Drinking herbal tea is a really enjoyable and easy way to get herbs into your diet. Naturally caffeine free, herbal teas are high in anti-oxidants, low in calories and a great way to hydrate your body. You can buy excellent quality teabags or loose leaf teas from your local supermarket or health food shop. You could see if you have a local herbal medicine shop who will advise you on quantities and qualities of different teas.
Here Delphine has listed some of her favourite teas for you to try.
Here Delphine has listed some of her favourite teas for you to try.
- Chamomile
This amazing plant can support the body in a huge variety of ways. It will ease stress and anxiety, promote better sleep and relieve muscular tension throughout the body. It has a soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the digestion, wonderful for colic and both constipation and diarrhoea. It lessens the effects of hay fever and other allergic conditions and can help relieve headaches. - Nettle
This herb (only use the leaf) is cleansing for the whole body. It promotes better kidney function. It can improve skin and joint problems if drunk regularly and improve overall energy levels. It also makes great soup when picked (with gloves!) In the spring (look up recipes on the internet). - Mint
Mint will stimulate better digestion, relieving indigestion and wind (for example in cases of IBS). In can help clear sinus congestion and catarrh and by promoting sweating will relieve colds and fever too. It promotes good circulation and can relieve headaches and help to keep the mind clear. - Lime Flower
Not to be confused with the lime fruit, this wonderful herb is another one to help the body and mind relax, ease stress and promote better sleep. It can also relieve heart palpitations and promote better circulation. As it has cooling effects it can lessen hot flushes and reduce a fever. - Ginger
A marvellous herb to use at the beginning of an infection, it helps reduce fever and clear catarrh. It promotes better digestion, famously relieving nausea and is used to treat stomach upsets with pain and wind. It can promote better energy and circulation. Try a little grated fresh ginger (1/4 teaspoon) with a cup of boiling water. - Lemon Balm
This wonderful uplifting herb will help to promote better moods, relieve anxiety, calm tension in the body and ease headaches. It can increase mental clarity and concentration during the day but also be used to ease insomnia.
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Would you like to learn more from Delphine?
Try our Food as Medicine course now to learn how you can benefit from getting the right foods in your diet, including a herbal tea meditation which is great for relaxing with your favourite tea!